I’m sure as an advisor this question has crossed your mind at some point. Back in 1940, in a speech given to the attendees of the National Association of Life Underwriters convention* in Philadelphia, that question was addressed by Albert Gray, an executive with Prudential Insurance. In his message, “The Common Denominator of Success,” Gray expressed the one attribute successful people have that, to some, is the most challenging:
“The common denominator of success — the secret of success of every man who has ever been successful — lies in the fact that he formed the habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do.”
The Rest of the Story
The four success habits he talked about were “prospecting habits, calling habits, selling habits and work habits.” Of course, consistency in these habits is important but having a well-defined plan and process to support each of these is critical. Identifying who your ideal client is and then developing a strategy to get their attention and engage them should provide the framework for developing these habits. This strategy should also include a well-developed brand that makes it easy for prospects to know who you work with and what you do for them. Branding the process itself is also an effective way to differentiate you from your competitors.
Consistent Communication Processes
From the time you hold an event for a roomful of new prospects, get a call-in listener from your radio show, receive a client referral, or get a lead sent from your website, you should have a process in place to contact and keep consistent, continued communication going forward in order to nurture prospects and let them get to know you. Remember, it can take dozens of touches to get to “yes.”
Questions? Call us at 800.440.1088.
A natural coach and leader with 20 years in the industry, Jim uses his vast experience to deliver the most successful strategies to our advisors.