One of the best ways to establish credibility is to leverage publicity, something often misunderstood by advisors. Publicity can be one of the tools utilized in a comprehensive public relations strategy.
By publicity I’m not talking about paying to be in a publication. That is advertising. What I’m referring to is “earned media.”
It’s been said that “advertising is what you pay for and publicity is what you pray for.” Publicity concerns a company, organization or individual’s presence in the media or news.
Publicity Is for Credibility and Conversion Improvement
Forms of publicity include news stories, articles and event information. Publicity creates public awareness and attention around a brand, and publicists gain publicity for their clients by promoting them.
Though good publicity can sometimes result in generating leads, it’s important to understand that it’s more about brand enhancement, which can increase the likelihood of client conversion. Don’t get me wrong, we do see quality leads coming from publicity campaigns, it’s just not the primary focus.
Once your content is placed, we leverage it for you with your current clients and prospects as well as social media. We also leverage those national brands, affiliating them with yours. For example, alongside your brand on your website your audience will also see “As Seen in the Wall Street Journal” or a similar credibility-boosting message. This is something that differentiates you from your competitors and takes your brand to a national level.
To learn more about what our publicity support can provide, contact your Quantum consultant at 800.440.1088.
Lita drives and manages both Quantum and advisor marketing projects, serving as our marketing liaison with key advisors. She enjoys sharing marketing strategies and tips, helping advisors grow their practices and enhance their brands. Learn More